Author: Joshua Volpe

“Customer-centric marketing revolves around placing the customer at the center of all strategic decisions.”  When it comes to modern marketing in 2024, every DJ and every company vies for attention and market share. That critical quest for innovative strategies often leads many DJs and entertainment companies to closely scrutinize their competitors.   However, amidst this, there lies a hidden gem of untapped potential: the invaluable insights and inspiration that stem directly from your own customers from prior events and weddings.   So, let’s talk a little about the transformative power of customer-centric marketing, which explains why your most impactful ideas originate from…

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Embrace the opportunities for innovation, stay attuned to industry trends, and approach the new year with a proactive and adaptable mindset. For many marketing professionals, managers, directors, and CMO’s, the end of the year marks a pivotal moment for reflection, evaluation, and strategic planning. It’s an opportune time to assess the performance of your marketing initiatives, draw insights from key metrics, and lay the groundwork for a successful year ahead. As a small business, you might not have a marketing professional on your staff. You might also be a solo-op DJ business and you must do everything entirely yourself when…

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Toms River, N.J. – Ask Gregg Alfonso from Allstar Entertainment DJs how he got started in the business and he’ll tell you it was trial by fire.   He had been working for a multi-op in his South Jersey hometown of Toms River, when the owner died suddenly. He had nowhere to turn. It was 2006 and, for the next several years, Alfonso made every mistake possible.   But things did change because they had to. Alfonso told us about his learning curve, and how he has grown to become one of South Jersey’s busiest multi-ops.   DJ LIFE: How did your DJ…

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“The Marketing Efficiency Ratio is a metric that quantifies the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns in relation to the resources invested.”  In the dynamic world of business, every decision is guided by the pursuit of efficiency and effectiveness. In the realm of marketing, this pursuit is no different.  Enter the Marketing Efficiency Ratio (MER), a powerful tool that has the ability to help DJs and their entertainment companies to streamline their marketing efforts, allocate resources wisely, and achieve sustainable growth.   In this article, I’ll talk a little about what the Marketing Efficiency Ratio entails and how it can revolutionize the…

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Going beyond providing great music, when it comes to planning a memorable event or celebration, hiring a good DJ can make all the difference.  In today’s competitive DJ marketplace, entertainment businesses strive to stand out and create lasting impressions on their customers. When it comes to planning a memorable event or celebration, hiring a good DJ can make all the difference.  While a DJ’s primary job is to provide great music, their impact goes far beyond that. There is something that many DJs often lack or forget when laying out their marketing plans for the year, which I’m going to…

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In my last article, I talked about how today’s business owners and marketers are using new and unique ways to reach targeted customers with a location-based marketing tactic called Geofencing.  That article created a lot of messages and inquiries from DJs asking more about it, the costs, what type of software is needed, and how someone can start doing it quickly. So, read on in this Part 2 that explains things more in depth if you want to start doing effective Geofencing properly.   Recap – What Is Geofencing?  Geofencing, simply put, is a digital-advertising tactic that involves location-based ads that…

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Where would we be today without our cell phones? They have become a part of everything we do. We depend on our phones for communication, from making appointments to talking with current and future clients.   Most DJs will tell you that a smart phone is a crucial tool for conducting a successful business. It’s estimated that at the end of this year, there will be almost 7 billion smartphone users – which is almost 3 billion more than just six years ago. Statistics like that mean advertisers, marketers, and business owners have learned to become savvier in how they market…

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Hard to believe, but we are already into the second half of 2022. With Q1 and Q2 in the rearview mirror, the busy summer wedding and events season will be over before we know it, and soon many of us will be thinking about fall and holiday events. This is actually the perfect time to take a look at some new marketing strategies as we enter the second half of the year, and to review what we have done over the last 6-7 months. It doesn’t matter whether you have been running your DJ business for the past year or…

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For many of us, our marketing is all about reacting. But it’s when we strategize, plan and deliver, that we get ahead of the competition. The more efficiently you plan for the events you have booked, the more time you will have left to identify your easy or quick wins. Building up a brand is not about constantly reacting to the market or competitors, but about getting an edge that puts you above the rest, in the following ways: Evolve Your Business Values & Messaging We have all been aware of how our online messaging and promoting changed during COVID.…

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To create a recurring revenue stream, remember that cultivating loyalty among your existing clients is a major key to your success. It’s called relationship marketing. It costs 15-25 times more to bring in a new customer than it does to retain an existing one, so the benefits of improving customer retention rates are clear. Fostering these relationships takes strategy. Here are some ideas to help you craft a successful relationship marketing strategy: Make Customer Service a Priority Relationship marketing is all about relating to your customers in a positive manner. That means offering consistent, personal Customer Service they may not…

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Is Service Marketing part of your toolbox of strategies in 2022?  DJs and entertainment companies, for the most part, offer B2C services – that’s business-to-consumer.   Accordingly, as a working, professional DJ, there are many different types of marketing strategies and tactics you can use to your benefit.   I’ve written a lot about many of these strategies over the past couple of years. Service Marketing is one that I haven’t discussed much, but it should be one of the top strategies on DJs’ radar when they are developing their business plans and an execution method.   What Is Service Marketing?  Service Marketing…

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In the DJ industry, you hear often how you need to differentiate yourself and stand out from other DJ companies. It is common for clients to want their events to stand out from similar events happening nearby. Some DJs will struggle with breaking boundaries and standing out, due to fear that a certain tactic, strategy or style may not go over well. It’s not just the services or style that a DJ offers but it’s also how they market themselves to clients. The world has been tipped upside and has changed a lot in the pandemic era. Customer experience and…

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The DJ industry is a service-based industry. We offer all types of entertainment services to give our clients the best day of their lives. There are measurements and KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) that tell you how well you’re doing in the industry and whether or not your business is truly successful. Customer satisfaction is an essential ingredient for business success. If your clients are unhappy with what you offer, then that will equate to negative reviews, smaller bookings and low revenue. For any business, small or large, every customer is an asset, without which companies would have no business at…

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Most of my articles, as you all know, have been written in a way to help DJs who might be struggling with developing or enhancing their marketing strategies. One of the topics I discussed lightly not too long ago was “Loyalty Marketing.”  That one specific topic generated a ton of questions and responses from many DJs all around the globe. I received 40 to 50 messages asking if I could explain, with a little more depth, how that type of marketing works. If you are sitting there wondering what Loyalty Marketing is or how it can help your DJ business, you have turned the page to something that will answer that in…

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The mobile-DJ industry is a service-based industry. We offer all types of entertainment services to give our clients the best day of their lives. There are measurements and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that tell you how well you’re doing in the industry and whether or not your business is truly successful.  Customer satisfaction is an essential ingredient for business success. If your clients are unhappy with what you offer, then that will equate to negative reviews, smaller bookings, and low revenue. For any business, small or large, every customer is an asset, without which companies would have no business at all.  Data has shown that in a service-based industry, for every complaint you receive,…

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