This article is a continuation of an article on the main Digitera site, and focuses here on how to apply the concepts in the other article to the DJ Industry. Please click here to read that article, and then please continue onto this article, as well.
As those of you who’ve heard me speak at various industry shows across the world already know, I’ve been speaking more often on the topic of “Niche Landing Pages” since DJX 2021, and in greater detail. Recently, we’ve had tremendous success with this method, and so I thought it best to get something down on paper for all of you to refer to.
The article referred to above is far more generalized, of course… for here, let’s dive into how to use that valuable information for the DJ industry, specifically.
To recap, what I’m advocating for here is that any serious brand should start thinking about their web presence as far more than just a simple website. Rather, I’m trying to lay out a framework for all of you that sees your main site surrounded by a series of smaller one-page Niche Landing Pages with domain names chosen very strategically so that they “fit” into the way that Google’s calculations work. We’ve had success using this method since DJX in August of 2021, and all of you can achieve Page 1 rankings using the same method.
The process is really simple:
- Choose a series of URLs (i.e., domain names).
- Design a master template for a one-page Landing Page.
- Clone the master template for one of your URLs.
- Change the text and images for that specific URL.
- Publish the Niche Landing Page live.
Easy, right? Well, not quite. The choice of URLs requires some thought, so that you’re optimizing your Niche Landing Page model to best fit into the way that Google. Let’s go through an example of a DJ company located in New York City.
- REGIONAL & NICHE. Take advantage of all the neighborhoods in the five NYC boroughs, with these examples.
- EXTENDED NICHE. Dive deeper into your niche as follows.
- NICHE ONLY. Go after specific lines of business.
- SEASONAL. Insert your brand into the path of highly searched terms.
Of course, most of the good dotComs will be taken already, so what I suggest is to use TLDs (Top Level Domains, such as dot Com, dot Net, dot Org, etc.) that are actually owned and operated by Google themselves. Some examples:
- dot APP
- dot PAGE
- dot DAY
- dot DEV
- dot CAR
It should be clear now what domains will work for Niche Landing Pages, in order to reinforce your main brand. If not, come to DJX 2022 and track me down… I’m more than happy to talk about this to anyone at the show.

Jordan St. Jacques is the President/Lead Digital Marketer at Digitera.Interactive in Ottawa, Ont., Canada.
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