From speakers to PC or Mac, DJ gear to equipment, plugins to DJ set-up, Mike Fernino breaks it down in this latest DJ Idea Sharing.
I run a Facebook group for DJs. It is called DJ Idea Sharing – and, with 14,000 real members, we are a pretty active community!
DJs sure know how to express their opinions and it seems that when it comes to DJ equipment everyone has an opinion. In fact, it goes beyond opinion with most DJs – it’s personal! DJs are fiercely loyal to “their brands” and if another DJ uses something else that they don’t agree with, well, they can be branded as misguided and foolish.
Just recently our Facebook group went crazy when Electro-Voice released its long-awaited big cousins to the Evolve 50 portable column PA system. This past January at the NAMM show, the E-V Evolve 70 and Evolve 90 systems were announced to the world – and, for DJs, it became a battle-royal group between the E-V supporters and everyone else.
Heck, one member went out of his way to lash out against these loudspeakers by making a video trying to use sound-engineering principles to back up his argument. He even left the group and started his own Facebook platform where nothing was out of bounds. All this over a new speaker simply coming onto the market and many DJs celebrating it!
Why do DJs care so much about what brand of speaker I use? To this, I ask the question, “Who cares?”
One of the big arguments in our Facebook group is about DJ software. Two main companies – Serato and Virtual DJ – tend to form a huge topic of dissent between DJs. Features, ease of operation, and adaptability with control systems – all are reasons to choose a side and bicker. I have seen all-out war in the group when one DJ decides to sing the praise of an opposing software platform. Why do DJs care what software I use? To this, I ask the question, “Who cares?”
You want to get a heated, nasty debate started? Just get into a discussion about… PC or Mac! Apparently, the computer that a DJ uses matters to other DJs? I mean, there are certainly differences in both platforms, but how much can it impact DJs and their performances?
Without a doubt, Mac is more expensive and probably built better, but PC can bring about more customized options and affordability. There are positives and negatives to both computer manufacturers, and a DJ needs to know which will give them the performance they are looking for at the right price point. Why do DJs care so much about what computer I use? To this, I ask the question, “Who cares?”
Another topic that will set things on fire within our Facebook group is… where DJs get their digital music! There are several legitimate music providers doing things the right way and offering legal, clean versions. Promo Only, for example, is one of those providers which does things 100-percent the right way! But let’s face it, not every DJ cares about clean versions or even the legal accumulation of their music library. Edits, remixes, short edits, long versions, etc. – this will always be a subject for intense debate. Now, I care about DJs getting their music from legal and legitimate sources, but… to all the people out on the dancefloor partying the night away, I’m sure they would ask this question: “Who cares?”
DJs seem to be very opinionated on whether they should have a fancy DJ podium or a façade/frontboard. Huge fights break out over those who believe their gear should be custom-installed into a DJ table-podium and have a set-up where the audience can see the DJ better in their performance. Others swear by wrapping a frontboard around their DJ system, hiding all wires and table set-up.
Both concepts offer a really nice look, but, for some reason, if the other DJ does not do things the way you do a serious disagreement will follow. Why do DJs care about another DJ’s set-up? To this I ask the question, “Who cares?”
I could keep going on and on, but you should be getting the point by now. DJs seem to care about what every other DJ is doing. Why? They spend so much energy admonishing other DJs who chose to do things differently from them. The bottom line is: We only have so much energy each day and why would anyone want to expend some of that precious energy worrying about what other DJs do or the products they buy? It’s like arguing over political views with someone who’s on the opposite side. It just makes no logical sense!
So let’s answer the question of… “Who cares?” That would be your customers. These are the only people you should care about for what they think!
The speakers you use, the controller you mix on, the software you operate, the podium you stand behind and the music you play are for your clients – and impressing them should be your No. 1 priority! Definitely, not what other DJs think.
As long as you are proud of who you are and how you represent your company, there should be no interest in what your colleagues are doing. In other words, mind your own business, care about your clients, give your best to be the best… and remember these two words: “Who cares?”
Since 1984, Mike Fernino has run Music In Motion Entertainment in Seymour, Conn., and since 2008, he has run the Facebook Group, DJ Idea Sharing.