Author: Troy Adams

minimum daily behaviors

Building an exceptional business that lasts through T.I.M.E. is hard work. When done right though, the rewards will be there, in the form of revenue, more free time, your legacy, connection with others, or something else…building a business that thrives will be worth it. How do you get started though? How do you take that first step when it feels like there’s several paths you need to walk down? Let’s make it easy. It’s the “M” in this T.I.M.E. acronym (see the first two letters here). and it stands for: MDBs. What the heck are MDBs, you ask?! They are…

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You want a business that lasts, right? One that can withstand market changes, competitors, pandemics, and recessions? What if I said you could build a business model that not only withstands these obstacles but positions you to consistently grow. To predict your growth. To not just survive, but also thrive. All you need is T.I.M.E. If you’ve ever heard me speak or read anything I’ve written before, you know I love acronyms. It’s become a common thread across everything I do. It’s my steady bass beat if you will. So T.I.M.E. is my acronym for sustainable success. We need these…

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It’s GO time. Or should I say GO-AL time?! It’s the start of a new year and to many, that means it’s time to revisit personal and professional goals. Unfortunately, most people don’t reach those goals. One study says 92% do not. You, however, are going to be in that 8% by focusing on the right approach. You see, the goal is simply a result. It doesn’t have to be some lofty far-off thing that’s unreachable. It’s behaviors that get us there. Behaviors are what turn that lofty goal into daily choices and subsequently, realized dreams. Let’s not make this…

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