Audio technology company iZotope has introduced RX 10 audio-repair software and Ozone 10 mastering suite – now with new, intelligent features that make audio repair and mastering more intuitive.

Both updates bring users tools with increased intelligence, making it easier and faster to get professional-quality results, while still allowing plenty of opportunity to personalize sounds to taste. Built on decades of research, RX 10 is the complete toolkit for audio clean-up in music and audio post-production. From analyzing audio capture and production issues to providing processing solutions, RX 10 speeds up editing workflows, salvages poor audio takes that were once unfixable, and delivers reliably clear sound quality.

New RX10 features include: Repair Assistant Plug-in; Dynamic Adaptive Mode in De-Hum; Upgraded Spectral Recovery; and Selection Feathering. New features in Ozone 10 include: Stabilizer Module; Impact Module; Improved Master Assistant; Magnify Soft Clip; and Recover Sides.

For more information, visit iZotope.

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