DJs across all sectors (club, mobile, radio, etc.) already know that YouTube is one of the best methods for proof-of-product when showcasing to a potential client.

Right after that first phone call is over, your sales workflow should include sending out links to your best videos, to hold and grow clients’ interest in hiring you and your company for their big event. Seeing is believing, and if a photo is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million.

However, a lot of small companies overlook the fact that YouTube is also a prominent search engine in and of itself. Currently, YouTube and Amazon jockey for the No. 2 position, with seasonal changes in rankings. It is a fact, though, that YouTube is a great way of getting discovered by new clients who have no idea that your company exists.

Let’s go over two aspects of YouTube that are highly relevant:

  • Top-10 Ranking Factors within the YouTube Algorithm
  • The concept of YouTube Keyword Sniping (the “secret sauce”)

YouTube Ranking Signals

While reading this list, keep in mind that YouTube prioritizes organic experiences… in other words, keeping the watcher happy.

  • Multiple System Algorithms. Different sections within YouTube have different ranking calculations (i.e., Home Page, YSERPs, etc.).
  • The sections for Home Page and Suggested Videos are heavily influenced by the recommendations from other users.
  • Past Views. All searches within YouTube are influenced by the users past YouTube search and view histories.
  • Interactive Elements. Aspects such as Likes, Dislikes, etc., play a big role in YSERPs.
  • Full Views. Videos with  higher percentage of complete views will help a video to rank higher.
  • Homepage Rankings. Combine both performance data (click-through rates and average view duration) and personalized relevance (watch history, interests, and subscriptions).
  • Suggested Videos. These results prioritize content that is co-viewed by the same audiences.
  • Subscribed Channels. Videos from your subscriptions are prioritized for suggestions.
  • Videos In Series. Watching consistent series and sequential videos will increase suggestions for related viewing.
  • Related Videos. Videos within Playlists, End Screens, and Linked Videos can extend viewing sessions… which helps rankings.

Use this information to craft your YouTube video creation and growth-hacking strategies. For more information on these signals, see me after one of my seminars at the upcoming DJX 2024 in Atlantic City, N.J.

YouTube Keyword Sniping

While the term “sniping” might conjure up aggressive tactics, keyword sniping on YouTube is a legitimate strategy to optimize your videos for specific keywords to gain traction in search results.

Here’s a breakdown of the approach:

Finding the Right Keywords

  • Search for low-competition keywords: Target keywords with decent search volume, but fewer established videos ranking for them. Tools like YouTube’s own search bar suggestions and keyword research extensions can help discover these.
  • Focus on long-tail keywords: These are more specific searches with lower competition, like “best budget trail running shoes 2024,” instead of just “trail running shoes.”
  • DJ SPECIFIC BONUS: Using keywords of industry terms can help greatly, such as names of venues in your area, limo companies, event planners, florists, etc. If you’re an aggressive marketer, using the names of your direct competitors can also help, although you might have some drama on your hands (lol).

Optimizing Your Video for Sniping

  • Target keyword in title and description: Include the target keyword naturally in your video title and description, but prioritize a clear and engaging title for viewers.
  • Craft a compelling thumbnail: Eye-catching thumbnails are crucial for drawing clicks in search results.

Content Quality Still Matters

  • Provide valuable content: Even with keyword optimization, viewers will click away from low-quality videos. Focus on creating informative, engaging content that solves viewers’ problems or interests them.
  • Engagement is key: Encourage viewers to like, comment, and subscribe. This engagement sends positive signals to YouTube’s algorithm.

Limitations of Keyword Sniping

  • Not a long-term strategy: Reliance on specific keywords can be risky if trends or search behavior changes. Focus on building a channel with a variety of content.
  • Content is king: While keyword optimization is important, high-quality content is what will keep viewers engaged and coming back for more.

Remember that YouTube’s algorithm prioritizes various factors for ranking, so keyword sniping is just one piece of the puzzle. Focus on creating informative, engaging videos and building a loyal audience for long-term success.

Jordan St. Jacques is the President/Lead Digital Marketer at Digitera.Interactive in Ottawa, Ont., Canada. He’s also part of the Author Collective from National Disc Jockeys.

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