The DJ LIFE #MobileMondays Spotlight of this week shines on DJ Jezzy B from Los Angeles, California.

This week’s Mobile Monday DJ Spotlight shines on DJ Jezzy B from Los Angeles, California. DJ LIFE caught up with her between gigs to discuss what being a mobile DJ means to her, go-to gear, and more. When we got to chat with Jezzy B, it went down a little something like this…

DJ LIFE: What does being a Mobile DJ mean to you?

Jezzy B: I typed this question into chatGPT and got a stellar answer that would make every mobile DJ go, “yeah that’s right. That’s me. I do that.” But I’ll keep it real today and say, a mobile DJ means to me, being a people person. I get to bring moments of joy into a complete stranger’s life and get paid for it. It’s awesome making people feel like your best friends and that this party is the moment they’ve been waiting for. It’s kind of an addicting feeling.

DJ LIFE: What can you share with us about your preferred or perfect DJ setup?

Jezzy B: Google meme of a man peeking behind a tree in a suit and ready to snack on something; that’s the look I have on my face when I see a clean DJ setup. No crazy wires saying “hey look at me I’m ugly”! and you have to have a cute/fly outfit. You ARE the setup! You could be spinning on the smallest & inexpensive gear, but if you look fly and clean, you’re most likely to have someone ask for your info!

DJ LIFE: Do you have any favorite/go-to or new gear that you’ve been utilizing lately?

A microphone adapter to make any wired mic wireless is a game changer! Talk about saving the day! That adapter allows me to MC anywhere! Went to Mexico for a wedding and didn’t have to check in my expensive wireless microphone. All I needed was the adapter and my wired mic.

DJ LIFE: What are some of your biggest pet peeves as a DJ, if any, or the pros and cons of being a mobile DJ?

Jezzy B: A big Pro is the amount of talented and successful people you met and get to network with. If I wasn’t a DJ I would not have the opportunity to be in these spaces, to grow and learn, and I am forever grateful for it.

A con would be missing out on family events. Sacrificing family time is very hard and that’s why any time I have off I choose to spend it with them.

Keep up with DJ Jezzy B on social:

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