With vinyl continuing to be as popular as ever, in addition to providing a terrific listening experience. Auralex Acoustics has unveiled its new Platter Matter V2 turntable mat. By simply replacing your existing turntable mat with the Platter Matter V2, users instantly hear more of your album and hear it better.

The Platter Matter V2’s inert, highly optimized composition calms your records, providing superior isolation from motor rumble and noises, as well as floor-born vibration and airborne acoustical sound. This includes feedback in live settings that would otherwise destroy the articulation and soundstage that are present in records, but too often unheard.

“When I was a mobile and nightclub DJ, my best-in-class systems benefited from a certain replacement turntable mat, but the manufacturer ceased production long ago, leaving a void in the marketplace,” said Auralex President and Founder Eric Smith. “Even before the vinyl resurgence we’re seeing today, I felt that Auralex could improve on the legacy mat’s design,” Smith continued. “Through many iterations of compounds and vibration testing, we found the magic combination and are thrilled to launch Platter Matter v2 today,” said Smith.

Platter Matter v2 is available now at many Auralex retailers and at Auralex.com.

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